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Celsius and DC-View

Celsius is a revolutionary high definition temperature measurement technology. Legacy systems make spot measurements using individual sensors, celsius is different, it uses a single sensing cable to measure thousands of points continuously along its length.


Celsius sensor cables can be up to 5km in length, a measurement is made with a 1m resolution. A 5km cable can therefore make 5000 temperature measurements.


Celsius allows measurements to be taken to an unprecedented degree of accuracy. Using a typical 15 second sample time the measurement accuracy is 0.1°c. Using longer sampling times allows accuracies down to 0.01°c although this is rarely required in practice.


Celsius can measure temperatures between -195°c and +750°c.

Award Winning

Winner of the 2010 DatacenterDynamics Datacenter Leaders Awards “Future thinking and design concepts” category.


For monitoring applications where reliability, safety and seamless system integration are essential, the compact, low-power and user friendly celsius is the most innovative and comprehensive data centre temperature monitoring system available. The celsius system features four input channels enabling up to 4 single ended measurements or 2 double-ended measurements. User configurable zones and alarms functionality are available for a wide variety of applications. celsius is packaged in a standalone unit which contains both the sensing optoelectronics and an on-board PC. The system operates with an intuitive software interface (based on Windows OS), making it a simple-to-use system. The system has been designed with safety in mind and has been tested to some of the industry’s most rigorous standards.


High definition temperature measurement Up to 20,000 individual measurement points per unit Accuracy up to 0.01°c 19” rack mounted Temperature range : -195°c to +750°c External control via volt free contacts, OPC, Modbus or RS232 interfaces Comprehensive temperature monitoring with celsius DC-View software

Pinacl Solutions UK


We have been asked to point out that our celsius high definition temperature monitoring hardware is not in any way connected to the software Pinacl Solutions UK Ltd provide. Celsius™Core is the latest development of Pinacl's industry leading infrastructure management application, Celsius™. Celsius™ is an extremely powerful and flexible database application that provides client's with the ability to centrally manage, monitor and troubleshoot their entire ICT infrastructure.
© 2025 Alquist Consulting Ltd | UK Tel : 08000 337430 | Intl. Tel : +44 1223 967180


Celsius and DC-View

Celsius is a revolutionary high definition temperature measurement technology. Legacy systems make spot measurements using individual sensors, celsius is different, it uses a single sensing cable to measure thousands of points continuously along its length.


Celsius sensor cables can be up to 5km in length, a measurement is made with a 1m resolution. A 5km cable can therefore make 5000 temperature measurements.


Celsius allows measurements to be taken to an unprecedented degree of accuracy. Using a typical 15 second sample time the measurement accuracy is 0.1°c. Using longer sampling times allows accuracies down to 0.01°c although this is rarely required in practice.


Celsius can measure temperatures between -195°c and +750°c.



Winner of the 2010 DatacenterDynamics Datacenter Leaders Awards “Future thinking and design concepts” category.


For monitoring applications where reliability, safety and seamless system integration are essential, the compact, low-power and user friendly celsius is the most innovative and comprehensive data centre temperature monitoring system available. The celsius system features four input channels enabling up to 4 single ended measurements or 2 double-ended measurements. User configurable zones and alarms functionality are available for a wide variety of applications. celsius is packaged in a standalone unit which contains both the sensing optoelectronics and an on-board PC. The system operates with an intuitive software interface (based on Windows OS), making it a simple-to-use system. The system has been designed with safety in mind and has been tested to some of the industry’s most rigorous standards.


High definition temperature measurement Up to 20,000 individual measurement points per unit Accuracy up to 0.01°c 19” rack mounted Temperature range : -195°c to +750°c External control via volt free contacts, OPC, Modbus or RS232 interfaces Comprehensive temperature monitoring with celsius DC-View software

Pinacl Solutions UK Ltd

We have been asked to point out that our celsius high definition temperature monitoring hardware is not in any way connected to the software Pinacl Solutions UK Ltd provide. Celsius™Core is the latest development of Pinacl's industry leading infrastructure management application, Celsius™. Celsius™ is an extremely powerful and flexible database application that provides client's with the ability to centrally manage, monitor and troubleshoot their entire ICT infrastructure.